Friday, May 9, 2008


Several months ago I bought this pair of Ann Koplik earrings from The Afternoon, where I work. They're very simple, pretty, and they have a very art deco vibe, which goes nicely with my ring and now, amazingly, with my recently acquired art deco dress.
I've just been wearing them as every day earrings, but I've thought about making them my wedding earrings. Ann Koplik makes a matching locket as well, but I think since the dress has a lot of sparkles on the collar, I'll probably go without a necklace, even though, oh, I do like lockets.But I think maybe we should keep the jewelry simple, especially since we have ordered a rather elaborate comb.

Now, that being said, LOOK WHAT I FOUND:
PLEATED EARRINGS. You already know how I feel about these, don't you? I love them, obvs. I worry that they might prove too large for wedding earrings, and they might compete with the head piece, but oh buckaroo, that doesn't mean I won't try.

So, feedback--they're about 1 3/4 inches long (pretty big earrings), not expensive but they cost enough that I have to at least think about it...should I buy them and try them out, or should I save myself some tackiness and let them go?


Anonymous said...

Hmm...Do you have any pictures of the headpiece? Or could you at least draw it for me/describe it in more detail? If its too elaborate, then the earrings, though awesome, wouldn't be worth it...but if its not...maybe.

Anonymous said...

I like the first ones. If they are delicate, I'd go with them.....Oh, wait, isn't the headpiece gold? I'm not sure it would be that noticable, though. Plus, if you've been wearing the pearl ones on a daily basis, would they feel special enough to wear to the wedding? I do not think the pleated earings would go with the headpiece, at all. I think that you should go with pearls. They are very classy and simple! Oh, yes...there is no need to sweat about possums at mom's anymore. Just FYI.

Jen said...

I really like the set that you already have. I'm sort of a big fan of pearls though. Your sister makes a decent point about the gold/silver difference, if there is one. But that's up to you, if it doesn't bother you, I'd say go for it!

I would say go with what you have, or maybe try to find something else that works. If your headpiece is pretty flashy, and you'll have a comb in your hair, big dangly earrings might be a lot of cranial accessories?

(And just to throw it in there, my earrings I got at Claire's like the week before the wedding. My necklace was one Jon gave me on the first Christmas we had when we started dating. I wore it every single day until the day I took it off to hold Will for the first time, and lost it for several months. He bought me the same exact one not long after I lost mine, and then when we moved home, I found the first one!I still wear it every single day.)

Jen said...

2 things I did not know either:
Brendan Reilly's reception was at the Scoular.. he has pictures on his facebook. AND he has a baby? I didn't really know him at UNO, but GEEZ. Okay, I guess he's been married as long as I have. Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only one having babies.

Unknown said...

holy many posts!!
so, i will just say:
amazingly beautiful dress (yay!)
bummer about the shoes...darn big-footers we are : (
cutest robots EVER and you sort of need to own them
earings. well, i guess i'll go with everyone else and say the pearls, although i like both of them a lot. so. i guess look at the other head gear and go from there. yes.

ps: "cranial accessories." this is why i <3 jenbruce

Anonymous said...

re: "cranial accessories"

i know, i heart her too.

Anonymous said...