So much to cover, but let's start with something I'm sure you've been wondering about: the ebay dress.
I could've blogged about the dress a long time ago...but it was a big ol' disappointment, and hallowedding is about happy things! Pretty things! And well, on me, that dress is neither.
I think if someone wore this dress they would have to be very gentle and careful. On a daily basis I am rarely either of those things. And at my wedding, pssssssh, forget about it. The last thing I want on the most stressful...erm, I mean, wonderful day of my life is for my zipper to split when I'm shaking my money maker to Paradise by the Dashboard Light.
So I've decided when I have a moment to myself I will resell it on ebay or something. The disappointment of this dress--which was exactly what I had pictured my wedding dress looking like, so why didn't it work out? why? whyyyyy?---prompted me to plan WEDDING WEEKEND II: Planning Extreme. Where I found my actual dress that gives me warm fuzzies. Which I will talk about soon, once I find some more pictures. Be patient.
Ahhh you're killing me! It is too bad that the ebay dress didn't work out, but it pretty much made my day to get the text that you found your dress. (I'd just gotten out of an awful doctor's appointment... things are okay though!) I'm glad that wedding planning exploded for you at home. Doesn't it feel great to get things decided?
Man, I feel like I'm not living up to my Captain Wedding title. If you need any help with things, let me know! Also, if you ever work at Westroads around lunch time and would want to meet at Panera or something, that would be awesome.
we SHOULD do lunch! and you are doing a great job as cpt wedding, because i think your main duty is being enthusiastic. and you've always come through with the enthusiasm
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